태풍 BARIJAT 의 영향으로 금일 오후 강풍 경보 3호 발효된 바 있습니다.
홍콩 해상 터미널은 Roadside Operation에는 변동 사항이 없으나, Waterfront Operation은 현재
대부분 작업 중지된 상태입니다. 홍콩발착 VSL/BARGE의 출입항 역시 지연 예상되는 점 유관 업무에
참고 부탁 드립니다.
1) Roadside Operation:
Terminal Roadside Operation |
Laden Container Operation |
Empty Container Operation |
Terminal S |
Normal at this moment |
Normal at this moment |
Normal at this moment |
Normal at this moment |
Depot 5 |
N/A |
Normal at this moment |
2) Waterfront Operation:
Terminal Waterfront Operation |
Laden Container Operation |
Empty Container Operation |
Terminal S |
Suspended |
Suspended |
Limited service at this moment |
Limited service at this moment |
Floating Barge |
Suspended |
N/A |
3) Vessel Operation:
Vessel Operation |
Suspended |
All vessel and barge operations will be suspended under Strong Wind Signal No. 3. Liners could check with APS/ Operation Centre for any status / progress of shipside operations.
E-cargoway Logistics Co.,Ltd